Thursday, October 13, 2005


and then you ride the train and you see a guy that looks like the kinda guy you were 10 years ago. He's standing dressed as you might have been, reading a book, leaning against the doors. Being in your thirties is funny, you are more likely to mix with people that are 10 years older and 10 years younger, thus reminding you of where you came from and where you may go. Allt he years of college and beofre never gave you this kind of mix... in most cases people were only 3-4 year different in age. Plus those are such formative categorizing years... much more self centered in discover and invention of yourself. You had a label by the year of school you were in, same with teens and below... as an 18 year old you weren't mixing with 10 year olds unless it was a sibling.

But now you mix, the post college urban life is mixing with ghosts of yourself and a foreshadowed future.


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