Thursday, November 03, 2005

sms filter/letter

filtered text... a sms filter is set up to clean up your sms messages... what if your message never made ti through the way you intended? what if the other side interprets it wrong?

What if the user could remove and replace words in the a letter being written to the president. A letter form the public... the meaning of sitting downa nd writing a letter to someone... love letters, friendship letters before we started using email... Is it all going to txt messaging? I don't nessecarily think so though. Start a public letter writing campaign across the country... we gather in a spot and write a letter, public space... pablic arena (like rome and the lions), we battle it out with words, words in their most sincerest, gathered together to not jsut say yes or no, but so much more a paragraph perhaps, or a sentence... it's to expand our dialogue, to open it up from the simplicity of a vote. It's a baby step away from having to be so black and white about our candidates and not allowed ro encouraged to expand on what the 'yes' or 'no' may actually mean to us.


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