Thursday, March 09, 2006

projecting on neighbors

txtual healing
Set up the 3500 lumens proejctor in my window and shot it across the street to put a speech bubble up near one of the windows. Occasionally the light in the window would go on or off and it added to some of the fun. Kelly helped out by putting messages up int he bubble. I thnk that I will go with putting a video feed into a gallery so that gallery goers could text the speech bubble, when people passing through the streets don't even bother. We are so tuned out. a camera will be on the projection that can be set up in various locations. It's an interesting look at what we consider art and stop to look at in the street or what we only respect in a gallery or somekind of position of importance.

Did white and black projections, filled the speech bubbles in with white, and then did a speech bubble with just a border of white. I liked both, but I guess the outline with white text is better.

People in the street noticed it, but nobody bit and sent a message. I guess people don't neccessarily trust what they see in public. hmmmm? No actually only a few people were around. But they did all notice and appeared interested.

further thoughts... an entire wall covered in speech bubbles, people just keep filling them in and they proejcted on a gigantic wall. The speak out wall. interesting. The wall we come to to speak out about our dissapointment and hurt. A big wall that has speech bubbles being populated with peoples text messages. The piece somes from society not being able to talk out their problems. Like therapy, like txtual healing.


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