Friday, December 16, 2005

Final Crits

So I'm definitely letting today's crit get to me which included 3 ' I don't understand's '. I'm just not sure how to present my project without too much or too little explanation. It's safe to say it's going to be an interactive performance piece that is augmented by the cell phone. Aside from mateo, It seemed they didn't understand that idea. It seemed as though Mateo understood everything about what I showed. What does that mean?

I'm just frustrated cause after deciding to bite off the topic of simulacra, media and politics and getting the project to where it is just to hear such negativity towards it is a downer. Personally I think my project is incredibly interesting. I love where it's come from and where it is going. I see numerous applications for a lot of what I've discovered created and will creat. Maybe they thought the improv pieces was supposed to be the final piece? I don't know. I know they aren't stupid people, but hell if I know what to feel after receiving no constructive feedback or discussion. I do love discussion.

Maybe it was the positive feedback and interest in the project that really made me feel that I was explaining it well enough and clear enough. I've struggled to keep all the concepts in the piece and it was just disheartening to not receive recognition of how far I'd gotten. Did i make it look to easy? ha. anyway, I'm just chewing yer ear off and a little pissed to end the semester on what felt like a pointless presentation. Pointless in the sense that it didn't garner much discussion.

Now I have to go write this paper that for all i know is going to accomplish not much more than my presentation.


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