Thursday, December 08, 2005

the projectionist movement

TOday was great. I was skeptical of what the results for the txt messaging workshop I had to night, but it really showed some potential. Kelly, Laura and Sheila were there. Tommy was shot in the head, but recoupurating, and realxing. Ally was there to help recoup. Couple formulas we considered tonight. It was great to feel a group again. Robbie had to work. We started with 2 actors just delivering the line they were given, they would just say the line the way they felt and not pay attention to the other. Then we had them say the lines to eachother and feel out what they wanted to do and what they were saying and how they related to the other. So the scene becomes very improvish, maybe too much so... I want to keep the attention on the txt, but I think I need to keep testing the improv angle.

I did like the results from the 3rd test where I wanted to see more scripting of the scene, so we gave them identities and a scenario to play out dramatically. Laura played a woman going to the doctors office and the Sheila, the doctor, comes in to tell her she has cancer. The actors play out the scene as if that's what being said, but all of their lines are the text messages written on note cards.

So If they were on stage maybe they'd be reading them written on a wall as they come in from viewers phones. Who's text will be the one read while she is reacting to the doctors fatal news? What will be said vs. what is being displayed. Is the visual the only thing that matters? when do all words lose meaning because we are so robotic in our paths in life? And the control of the language we use is from everybody else, or whoever programmed out visual media? Our language becomes pointless.

Perhaps this is the level at which animals live, it's simple sounds and chirps and movements to stay alive and here humans are given so much more yet it's being shrunken the language we listen to, pay attention to, and use to move through our dangerous world. Why the hell are their always 2 sides? can't we go 3-d or more? crap.

I am pretty sure that Laura and Sheila had good time, partly for brushing off the cobwebs (that goes for all of us) and I think they saw some fun potential in the acting. I was psyched kell and I were on the same foot with what we saw... it was good. Good discussion too.

Very exciting... ok more work to do.


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