We are what we pretend to be, so we must be careful what we pretend to be... kurt vonnegut
Destroy all humans!
Eat a Joe's
Like a Virgin
My baby does the hanky panky
Surf's up, baby!
Get out.
You have no idea.
I'm stoked.
Pray for Waves
Fuck yeah I'm in.
Gimme some of that / dat.
yeah Baby
Bush sucks!
Que sera sera
Dude, where's my ...
Put your hands in the air and give me all your money
Wherever you go, there you are.
Take my hand
is this all there is?
can i help?
no more
pour quois?
funny how money changes situations
clap your hands
make some noise
explain yourself
what is it dear?
see no evil
i'll try to be nicer if you try to be smarter.
do you ever think before you speak?
britte is the hottest notzold.
i'll have a big salad.
our pets heads are falling off!
two in the pink, one in the stink.
get out!
your mom's chest hair.
Hey long lost friend
Where u been hiding?
George Bush sucks
Save Alaska's Arctic National Wildlife Refuge
My boss drives me crazy
Work is a four letter word today
My brain just imploded
Can't wait to go skiing in CO next week!
Happy new year!
Thanks for the distraction
You suck
Me likey
U likey?
we only have this moment
hoy es un dia especial
youre such a wierdo
did you know that
do i have to keep telling you that
wheres the love
kooshy kooshy
village go to sleep
well i was gonna write that but its too obvious
not that i havent already been obvious
whats wrong with being obvious
is this enough
why are you so wierd
alright already
I can't live without you
I was wrong
I adore you
what the fuck?
look up
i am love.
you are God.
words are thoughts first.
everything is an illusion.
ask and you shall receive
love is the answer.
Poop is coming out of my butt
George Bush is a puppet for a fascist regime
God is a concept by which we measure our pain
Love is all you need
In the end the love you take is equal to the love you make
We are stardust - billion year old carbon
Fight for your right to party
Don't need nothin but a good time
My girl wants to party all the time
Jimmy's got a little bit of bitch in him
Free your mind and your ass will follow
happy new years
merry christmas
I'm getting married!
talk soon
ha ha!
baby, it's cold outside
resolve to change
resolve to stay the same
it's only a day
you're the greatest!
end as you wish you had begun
life is simple
beware of the Singapore Grip!
excuse me?
that's interesting.
stand up straight
keep your eyes on the prize
bend over backwards
chocolate now
yankees suck
bite me
just breathe
you make me hungry
peace out
this shit's bananas
i love you
i want you
i need you
Don't hate the playa, hate the game
Hail to the Redskins
Talk to me, Goose
Nobody backs baby into a corner
The short bus
You can take the girl out of the honky tonk, but you can't take the
honkytonk out of the girl
Paul is dead sexy;-)
meet me right now
i want to fuck you
eat more cheese!
Go Buckeyes!
What the *!* is a Buckeye?
Depression is a disease, not a mood or a state of mind.
Pizza is my weakness.
Dogs rule.
Jon Stewart for president.
One word: Brooklyn
Stephen Vincent Hoffman, I miss you.
In my Father's house, there are many rooms. I go and prepare a place for you. -- The Bible
"If I knew where it was, I would take you there. ... There's much more than this!" -- Pearl Jam
The Suitor, By Jane Kenyon
We lie back to back. Curtains
lift and fall,
like the chest of someone sleeping.
Wind moves the leaves of the box elder;
they show their light undersides,
turning all at once
like a school of fish.
Suddenly I understand that I am happy.
For months this feeling
has been coming closer, stopping
for short visits, like a timid suitor.
i'll cut you!
p-t-e-r-a-n-o-d-o-n spells pteranodon!
my hat, it has three corners!
no one can save us, but kim, the waitress!
yes indeedy, i'm your sweetie!
midtown sucks!
hot cross buns!
bend over boyfriend!
praisin' heaven, raisin' hell!
i didn't read the instructions the first time!
happy happy joy joy
happy new year
Run, it's the po-po!
I'm not the dad!
Would ya please pass the jelly?
Overreaction is my forte.
Black folks ain't exactly swellin' up with pride on account a you flippin'
If I can't dance I don't want to be part of your revolution.
It's a funny thing how everything looks the same in the mist; have you noticed it, Pooh?
Well goodbye and thank you for happening to pass me.
Don't be an asshole or you won't have any friends.
I don't believe in anything; I just notice things sometimes.
Commence the boogie.
Every five years or so I look back at my life and I have a good laugh.
It is what it is.
Shake it like a Polaroid picture.
your mom went to college
i heart ashleys' mom
i am a chair
unicorn power
do me
oops your eyeball is bleeding hahaha
god i'm so pretty
hi ugly
i hate your feet
gawd why do you suck
arf arf arf
do me
me llama. baaaaaaaaa.
hooohoooohoo hahahahahaha!
hey mamma wanna git freeeeaaaky??!
i'm looking at your boobs
rolodexs are so cool
swindle me. yea swindle me good. just like that yea.
twilight on a frozen lake; north wind about to break
take back the weed; i can get off on u
feel like makin love
don't hang yerself with a celibate rope
love stinks
and here are some taken from my last few days:
wanna get wings?
paul is the dorkiest ever
movie tonight?
where r u?
u know where da key is
traffic sux
happy new year
leaving here tears me in two
All we want is PEACE
Peace on Earth
I"m there for YOU
Let's all join hands
bitches aint shit but hos and tricks
the early bird catches the worm, but the second mouse gets the cheese
she's hot
he's hot
we're hot
they're hot
i'm hot
you're hot
hot diggity dog diggity
let's get jiggy with it
what's the dealiyo, yo?
more bills
yes, this thesis is commercial, so fuck you (is that too long?)
i can't stop eating
i grow old, i shall wear the bottoms of my trousers rolled
this is the dawning of the age of...people who carry water
hubba hubba
rock on
i'm not gonna be your dog
that's a fine thing to say
you're weak
i will crush you with my thumb
go with god
godspeed, you pagan.
love is a many splendid thing.
splenda is a sugar substitute.
my bologna has a first name. it's meathead.
Thank god.
my babies grow up and grow up
we're all going sane in a crazy world
still feeling just outside the inside joke
the questions we ask today will be answered...?
where have all the flowers gone
well i'm not going to wear a hairnet!
die in a fire
you have no soul
my life hates me
yes, i'll marry you if you ever ask
why are we all so cynical?
q: maybe you're one of the elect... a: maybe in my next life
Do 2 peeps what U want 4 U.
Don't D8 Str8 boyz when UR Gay.
Luv U take = Luv U make.
I like U 4 U, not 4 UR $.
No1 beats U.
Get Back 2 Ba6.
Take the B8 B4 itz 2 L8...
That's Gr8!
R U Bad or B9?
if there's life on mars, I'll kill it
stealing ideas is also an idea
360° sucks
nothing better than product placement in the fridge
chicken tonight?
too small for this world
camouflage is everything
that's how I roll
meeting women broke my wallet
honey, I'll be late, I'm on the phone
my new gold tooth doesn't fit
bass rulz
yo mama
that is SO cute
funky butt lovin
if i ruled the world
eat my shorts
happy new year
All your base are belong to us
007 373 5963
Up, up, down, down, left, rt, lt, rt, b, a, b, a, start
Every rose has it's thorn
I'm looking at the man in the mirror
The rabbi ate my typewriter
I'm rick james bitch
Please pass the peas.
Never say never.
That's the bomb diggity yo!
U r teh suxx0r
Don't touch that.
What's in the bag?
The universe is real big.
Don't have a cow man!
One day at a time
Fake it to you make it
Easy does it
First things first
Live and let live
Courage to change
Beyond the struggle is freedom
Been there done that
Live simply so other may simply live
your place or mine?
Live in the present
The home of the brave
Calgon take me away
Only the good die young
Hang on to the good times
Jesus is Lord
Penny for you poop
Pretty cool dude
Glass bong factory
Lets go to White Castle
Ping Pong Rules!
That bitch is poison
Up yours bitch
Bitch, I Love you!
I want to Plow your Furrow
How about a date
Remember the Titty
How about some more bacon
More bacon please
It cold outside
Paul is a friend to Jesus
Thanks for the mammies
My mom is better than your mom
Pats rule
Pats will three peat
Paul eats turds
Good morning!
i'm sleepy
my throat hurts
happy new year!
everbody hates george bush
barak obama for president!
I need some coffee
thank god the weekend's here!
What's for lunch?
where are my car keys?
I feel bloated.
Too much thai food gives me indigestion
I'm getting old.
Hare Rama Hare Krishna
It's cold out.
Life is like a box of chocolate covered strawberries
I love forest gump
i love chocolate covered strawberries
Eid mubarak.
how do i work the coffee maker?
poopy poopy!
where's the pooper scooper?
Paul is funny.
later gator
that was fun!
Destroy all humans!
Eat a Joe's
Like a Virgin
My baby does the hanky panky
Surf's up, baby!
Get out.
You have no idea.
I'm stoked.
Pray for Waves
Fuck yeah I'm in.
Gimme some of that / dat.
yeah Baby
Bush sucks!
Que sera sera
Dude, where's my ...
Put your hands in the air and give me all your money
Wherever you go, there you are.
Take my hand
is this all there is?
can i help?
no more
pour quois?
funny how money changes situations
clap your hands
make some noise
explain yourself
what is it dear?
see no evil
i'll try to be nicer if you try to be smarter.
do you ever think before you speak?
britte is the hottest notzold.
i'll have a big salad.
our pets heads are falling off!
two in the pink, one in the stink.
get out!
your mom's chest hair.
Hey long lost friend
Where u been hiding?
George Bush sucks
Save Alaska's Arctic National Wildlife Refuge
My boss drives me crazy
Work is a four letter word today
My brain just imploded
Can't wait to go skiing in CO next week!
Happy new year!
Thanks for the distraction
You suck
Me likey
U likey?
we only have this moment
hoy es un dia especial
youre such a wierdo
did you know that
do i have to keep telling you that
wheres the love
kooshy kooshy
village go to sleep
well i was gonna write that but its too obvious
not that i havent already been obvious
whats wrong with being obvious
is this enough
why are you so wierd
alright already
I can't live without you
I was wrong
I adore you
what the fuck?
look up
i am love.
you are God.
words are thoughts first.
everything is an illusion.
ask and you shall receive
love is the answer.
Poop is coming out of my butt
George Bush is a puppet for a fascist regime
God is a concept by which we measure our pain
Love is all you need
In the end the love you take is equal to the love you make
We are stardust - billion year old carbon
Fight for your right to party
Don't need nothin but a good time
My girl wants to party all the time
Jimmy's got a little bit of bitch in him
Free your mind and your ass will follow
happy new years
merry christmas
I'm getting married!
talk soon
ha ha!
baby, it's cold outside
resolve to change
resolve to stay the same
it's only a day
you're the greatest!
end as you wish you had begun
life is simple
beware of the Singapore Grip!
excuse me?
that's interesting.
stand up straight
keep your eyes on the prize
bend over backwards
chocolate now
yankees suck
bite me
just breathe
you make me hungry
peace out
this shit's bananas
i love you
i want you
i need you
Don't hate the playa, hate the game
Hail to the Redskins
Talk to me, Goose
Nobody backs baby into a corner
The short bus
You can take the girl out of the honky tonk, but you can't take the
honkytonk out of the girl
Paul is dead sexy;-)
meet me right now
i want to fuck you
eat more cheese!
Go Buckeyes!
What the *!* is a Buckeye?
Depression is a disease, not a mood or a state of mind.
Pizza is my weakness.
Dogs rule.
Jon Stewart for president.
One word: Brooklyn
Stephen Vincent Hoffman, I miss you.
In my Father's house, there are many rooms. I go and prepare a place for you. -- The Bible
"If I knew where it was, I would take you there. ... There's much more than this!" -- Pearl Jam
The Suitor, By Jane Kenyon
We lie back to back. Curtains
lift and fall,
like the chest of someone sleeping.
Wind moves the leaves of the box elder;
they show their light undersides,
turning all at once
like a school of fish.
Suddenly I understand that I am happy.
For months this feeling
has been coming closer, stopping
for short visits, like a timid suitor.
i'll cut you!
p-t-e-r-a-n-o-d-o-n spells pteranodon!
my hat, it has three corners!
no one can save us, but kim, the waitress!
yes indeedy, i'm your sweetie!
midtown sucks!
hot cross buns!
bend over boyfriend!
praisin' heaven, raisin' hell!
i didn't read the instructions the first time!
happy happy joy joy
happy new year
Run, it's the po-po!
I'm not the dad!
Would ya please pass the jelly?
Overreaction is my forte.
Black folks ain't exactly swellin' up with pride on account a you flippin'
If I can't dance I don't want to be part of your revolution.
It's a funny thing how everything looks the same in the mist; have you noticed it, Pooh?
Well goodbye and thank you for happening to pass me.
Don't be an asshole or you won't have any friends.
I don't believe in anything; I just notice things sometimes.
Commence the boogie.
Every five years or so I look back at my life and I have a good laugh.
It is what it is.
Shake it like a Polaroid picture.
your mom went to college
i heart ashleys' mom
i am a chair
unicorn power
do me
oops your eyeball is bleeding hahaha
god i'm so pretty
hi ugly
i hate your feet
gawd why do you suck
arf arf arf
do me
me llama. baaaaaaaaa.
hooohoooohoo hahahahahaha!
hey mamma wanna git freeeeaaaky??!
i'm looking at your boobs
rolodexs are so cool
swindle me. yea swindle me good. just like that yea.
twilight on a frozen lake; north wind about to break
take back the weed; i can get off on u
feel like makin love
don't hang yerself with a celibate rope
love stinks
and here are some taken from my last few days:
wanna get wings?
paul is the dorkiest ever
movie tonight?
where r u?
u know where da key is
traffic sux
happy new year
leaving here tears me in two
All we want is PEACE
Peace on Earth
I"m there for YOU
Let's all join hands
bitches aint shit but hos and tricks
the early bird catches the worm, but the second mouse gets the cheese
she's hot
he's hot
we're hot
they're hot
i'm hot
you're hot
hot diggity dog diggity
let's get jiggy with it
what's the dealiyo, yo?
more bills
yes, this thesis is commercial, so fuck you (is that too long?)
i can't stop eating
i grow old, i shall wear the bottoms of my trousers rolled
this is the dawning of the age of...people who carry water
hubba hubba
rock on
i'm not gonna be your dog
that's a fine thing to say
you're weak
i will crush you with my thumb
go with god
godspeed, you pagan.
love is a many splendid thing.
splenda is a sugar substitute.
my bologna has a first name. it's meathead.
Thank god.
my babies grow up and grow up
we're all going sane in a crazy world
still feeling just outside the inside joke
the questions we ask today will be answered...?
where have all the flowers gone
well i'm not going to wear a hairnet!
die in a fire
you have no soul
my life hates me
yes, i'll marry you if you ever ask
why are we all so cynical?
q: maybe you're one of the elect... a: maybe in my next life
Do 2 peeps what U want 4 U.
Don't D8 Str8 boyz when UR Gay.
Luv U take = Luv U make.
I like U 4 U, not 4 UR $.
No1 beats U.
Get Back 2 Ba6.
Take the B8 B4 itz 2 L8...
That's Gr8!
R U Bad or B9?
if there's life on mars, I'll kill it
stealing ideas is also an idea
360° sucks
nothing better than product placement in the fridge
chicken tonight?
too small for this world
camouflage is everything
that's how I roll
meeting women broke my wallet
honey, I'll be late, I'm on the phone
my new gold tooth doesn't fit
bass rulz
yo mama
that is SO cute
funky butt lovin
if i ruled the world
eat my shorts
happy new year
All your base are belong to us
007 373 5963
Up, up, down, down, left, rt, lt, rt, b, a, b, a, start
Every rose has it's thorn
I'm looking at the man in the mirror
The rabbi ate my typewriter
I'm rick james bitch
Please pass the peas.
Never say never.
That's the bomb diggity yo!
U r teh suxx0r
Don't touch that.
What's in the bag?
The universe is real big.
Don't have a cow man!
One day at a time
Fake it to you make it
Easy does it
First things first
Live and let live
Courage to change
Beyond the struggle is freedom
Been there done that
Live simply so other may simply live
your place or mine?
Live in the present
The home of the brave
Calgon take me away
Only the good die young
Hang on to the good times
Jesus is Lord
Penny for you poop
Pretty cool dude
Glass bong factory
Lets go to White Castle
Ping Pong Rules!
That bitch is poison
Up yours bitch
Bitch, I Love you!
I want to Plow your Furrow
How about a date
Remember the Titty
How about some more bacon
More bacon please
It cold outside
Paul is a friend to Jesus
Thanks for the mammies
My mom is better than your mom
Pats rule
Pats will three peat
Paul eats turds
Good morning!
i'm sleepy
my throat hurts
happy new year!
everbody hates george bush
barak obama for president!
I need some coffee
thank god the weekend's here!
What's for lunch?
where are my car keys?
I feel bloated.
Too much thai food gives me indigestion
I'm getting old.
Hare Rama Hare Krishna
It's cold out.
Life is like a box of chocolate covered strawberries
I love forest gump
i love chocolate covered strawberries
Eid mubarak.
how do i work the coffee maker?
poopy poopy!
where's the pooper scooper?
Paul is funny.
later gator
that was fun!
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