Saturday, January 07, 2006

Text ninja

Iw ant to build an interactive performance where the actor (me?) is stadning in from of a wall. The audience which would ocnsist of passers by would send a text message to me and I would deflect it to the wall. Of course I will be given a trigger to let me know when the message is about to be displayed and thus can give a karate deflection and send the message off to the left or right. This could be built in MAX, having max take in the message and then trigger some kind of sign for only the actor knows (a light flash, a vibration, ?) and wihtin 2 seconds the actor knows the message will be displayed, thus able to choreograph a karate kick fending off the text message. I will need to build a buffer for the messages and then go through a list. It woul dbe greta to set them up to shoot out at random times so that if there are a lot of messages it doesn't appear to just be on a regular interval.

The idea would be I can see the messages coming and block them form hitting me.


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