Thursday, November 24, 2005

mom & britte

Tuesday, November 22, 2005

Sunday, November 20, 2005

The realist reality show...

people wtching people watch television

chrisof and I went to giants v. eagles...

a set like a living room... tv with images and speech bubbles... text into the scene... chair in front of tv, maybe I'm sitting in it, commenting on all themessages htat come through, people see what i comment. People create the content for my viewing pleasure, using allt heimagery we are being shown, but with the peoples commentary, the cell phone sets them free they can report back form their experiences in the world. Visit another country and report back via your cellphone. Explore to learn not to conquer and report it back into the aimegery of pain and fear that we are presented with everyday...

Thursday, November 17, 2005

Speech Bubbles

You don't even need the words, just the speech bubble to make everyone wonder what could they be saying. The bubbles could be arranged in any way, thoughts or speech, and people would populate the bubbles with there minds. interesting. we begin to pay attention. Our celebrities give us everything we want, so we speak through them, by paying them and maintaining their popularity. famous paintings etc.

proto 3 outline

Opening Quote:

Excerpt from a 2004 Sunday NY Times Magazine article By Ron Suskind.

The aide said that guys like me were ''in what we call the reality-based community,'' which he defined as people who ''believe that solutions emerge from your judicious study of discernible reality.'' I nodded and murmured something about enlightenment principles and empiricism. He cut me off. ''That's not the way the world really works anymore,'' he continued. ''We're an empire now, and when we act, we create our own reality. And while you're studying that reality -- judiciously, as you will -- we'll act again, creating other new realities, which you can study too, and that's how things will sort out. We're history's actors . . . and you, all of you, will be left to just study what we do.''

-The quotes are from a senior advisor to George W. Bush

SLIDE: my project...
I using my interests in live performance, interactive design and politics to create an interactive performance piece that integrates personal mobile technologies to augment a live action piece. I will create this piece to comment on the filtering or creation of reality created by today’s visual media and how society may passively accept it as truth.

SLIDE: my problem...
Create an interactive performance piece that turns audience into participator.
As a participant the actor will create commentary and content based on their own personal experience.

SLIDE: My Audience...
The target audience for the final piece will be a person with a cell phone or PDA that can send txt messaging. More specifically they will be interested in exercising their creative mind by creating or influencing content with their SMS enabled device to develop a narrative system. Ideally they will be in touch with the political and informational realities they experience.

SLIDE: the user diagram...

SLIDE: my plan...

-create an installation that allows users to act on a subject. The audience as embedded reporter. thinking and commenting on what they see vs. being told what to see or having what they see filtered. See their comments moved through context and seeing the meaning change. Allowing the community to interpret what they see as opposed to the filtering of information.

-on the way to build a staged performance.

slide 5 my working prototype...
-show sample screens

slide 6 further subject developments...
-The last supper:
simply change the meaning of the image, or create a very specific and serious message.

-abu graib:
In this example the audience may not be motivated to place their comment, afraid of creating a funny or inappropriate situation in an already very morbid scene. In this case the user has simply thought for one notions as to what the person with the speech bubble might say, they may not act on it, but they walk away thinking about it, whether they are politically intersted or not. The simple speech bubble attached to the prisoner creates a reaction or a desire to understand a deeper or larger meaning as to what is happening.

-bush in the TV with cowboy hat on:
The talking head, the Bush we know, on our tv, this is our reality. He's dressed in a cowboy hat, we understand that. When we see him in crawford he where's his cowboy hat, a man of the people, this becomes real unless you look deeper. We are allowed to place our reality of what we hear from him into the speech bubble.

-society situation

Friday, November 11, 2005

camera phones

Sophia Luna, Fall 2005, halloween...
camera phone pics look like old film, like th equality of the original photos... but it's digital, it's like humans are now re-living the same pattern over and over and this one is digital. all cyclical? I thought it'd be nice to blow out a digital photo that looked blown out.

Thursday, November 10, 2005

the set up

power mac... G4, with a blutooth adapter attached, communicating to the blutooth cell phone. text message goes to phone and then is handled on the machine by bluephone elite. Each message is added to an xml file, some actionscript parses the message and it is shown ina swf file made in flash. I can positiont he text where I want... I think next phase is to create multiple spots on a photo or scene so their can be more text appearing and staying in the scene. they just move down the spots when a new one comes in... hmmmm.

Makes You Right All the Time

A good day... rigged up projector, got some sms's popping up in speech bubbles, fun fun... found out different services have potential for lag time 30 secs - a minute... I dunno, not worried too much about that.

psyched to do the the bumper sticker... I think it opens itself up to more opportunities to leave messages as well as a comment on the photo. A photo as an interactive piece... you can change the letters, the news if you will, you can create your own news broadcast and just tell yourself the same crap you already know... isn't that what it's about? the news tells us the crap we already know and we feel empowered because we just want to be right all the time and that's comforting. TV makes the viewer right all the time. Like two big arms to hug you tight. night night.

I am home When are U coming home? Paul baby

Sunday, November 06, 2005


= doing work and relaxing at the same time. what hell has happened?

perfromance piece

the audience sits down tot a show, they have already texted into the system so the phone numbers are in the machine. They sit and downa nd are told to put hpone on vibrate.

The 'show' consists of a lecture from a prominent forward thinker of our time... the lecturer comes out and stands very still behind the podium... the audience then starts receiveing text messages that consist of having to say something or get up and walk out and other commands for what could happen in the space. The lines and pieces are all sent out to the people in the audience. They start working through the play, entertaining themselves in this orchetrsated script deliverd to cell phones... At the end of the show, the entire audience is back in place and the lecturer who has been frozen at the podium thanks everyone for coming and the lights go down. Fin.

Teh show asks questions of how fast our cellphones keep us moving and to what we pay attention to... it's literally taking time and stopping it... the actor on stage has come out and frozen, but in reality the actor will be moving in very slow motion... so the idea of time passing very slowly is being witnessed, but all these communications (txt messages) are happening in real time. Who need cameras to slow down time.

turn the camera on the crowd

I think it would be interesting to video tape an audience as they watch classic moments in film...
What does the audience look like when deniro is saying "you talking to me" ina mirror during taxi driver?
What does the audience look like that is seeing the woman going for a naked midnight swim and then silently tugged under water by a shark in jaws?
What does a crowd look like when it discovers who kaiser sosei is?



interesting guys... pointed out to me by the wooster group... i contacted them about whether they've tried sms messaging in a piece... they hadn't, but I was sent to look at 31 down a radio theater and new media performance group run by ryan holsopple... quite impressive to say the least,

Thursday, November 03, 2005

sms filter/letter

filtered text... a sms filter is set up to clean up your sms messages... what if your message never made ti through the way you intended? what if the other side interprets it wrong?

What if the user could remove and replace words in the a letter being written to the president. A letter form the public... the meaning of sitting downa nd writing a letter to someone... love letters, friendship letters before we started using email... Is it all going to txt messaging? I don't nessecarily think so though. Start a public letter writing campaign across the country... we gather in a spot and write a letter, public space... pablic arena (like rome and the lions), we battle it out with words, words in their most sincerest, gathered together to not jsut say yes or no, but so much more a paragraph perhaps, or a sentence... it's to expand our dialogue, to open it up from the simplicity of a vote. It's a baby step away from having to be so black and white about our candidates and not allowed ro encouraged to expand on what the 'yes' or 'no' may actually mean to us.

Exquisite Corpse

Create a cut up story through txt inputs gatherd from people... perhaps they have a visual cue to write in a sentence, or they receive a txt to build upon, but don't see the previous text until later when the whole story is scrolling out.

10th floor guest book

projector, computer and phone... text message in your guest book signing... like a visitor to a hotel or another impermanent place.

contxt piece

You walk into a gallery and you are presented with an image to comment on... an innocent photo or a controversial one... you leae your message, as you move throught the gallery you see more images with txt next to them that you can comment on, as you investigate the text, it becomes apparent that all the images pull from the same txt messages. Thus you are effecting a larger system, by wanting to comment on just one moment, does this make the participant think about where else there message is going or how it may be read, even thought they are compelled to post. This uses the telepesence that cell phones afford us.

Filter the message

could I set up a filtering system that filters even text messaging when people post a message in response to somethign they see?

Wednesday, November 02, 2005

political media filtering and text messaging... what's filtered out of text messaging that might be important, or the truth? What's the truth in the message, political or interpersonal.

Text messaging, short form, urgent messages, or not so urgent messages. political speak short terms with a lot of meaning behind them. Show no emotion. I need to figrue out where these come together and relate.
why would people post text messages or be moved to do it?
Why are shortened political messages interesting?
why do we need to know more?
location based medium. txt messaging. effecting a larger system that is unrelated except for what's in our minds....

ugh, stuck... fuck.

Tuesday, November 01, 2005

I wish I could talk to my dad right now. He went through so much schooling. I think this would be an intersting topic to have discussed with him. He dosen't even know I'm in art school, he would have been psyched I think. I miss him.