Tuesday, May 16, 2006


txtual healing“To be a citizen does not mean merely to live in society, but to transform it. If I transform the clay into a statue, I become a Sculptor; if I transform the stones into a house, I become an architect; if I transform our society into something better for us all, I become a citizen.”
-Augusto Boal (Theatre of the Oppressed)

Sunday, May 14, 2006

internet behavior

txtual healinglistening to old discussions about internet behavior and where it was going to take us... The first person you ever met through an internet encounter.

npr today

txtual healinglistening to this american life. They had an open mic forum for the reading of old letters, written letters. It's quite powerful, connecting me back to memories of language used back in my teens. Other letters read involved letters to famous people and for jobs.


txtual healing

1. mckean/kerrey
2. influence/mom
3. empowered intellectuals/intervention vs. exploitation.

Sunday, May 07, 2006

ny times is a gallery

roux roux

txtual healing

projecting on smith and douglass above the roux roux sign... made 80 flyers/instructions, managed to go through all of them. I always start off the night so nervous, as if everything could go wrong, as if the weight of the world is bearing down. I know it's not the case per se, but it's where my mind goes. I want it to be perfect to encourage sharing of thoughts from the public.

had great participation tonight. a highlight for me was towards the end when I was just wathcing by myself and the content in the bubbles was changing on it's own. The number and instructions were out there and people kept sending. It was great.

photos came out well, need to post them, but the lighting is perfect, they look fake, it's brilliant.

Friday, May 05, 2006

senator john mccain

txtual healing
...is our commencement speaker... bob kerry sent out an email defending mccain as a choice for speaker. I was originally not too concerned with Maccain being the speaker and I was eagre to hear what he had to say. however kerry telling us to listen to what this man has to say, mccain does not embody my values, has made me reconsider my passivity to the him as our speaker. Will he speak the truth or is he pandering to our the liberal community and simply tell us what we want to hear. I have a feelign that I will be extremely dissapointed. When will we finally start to realize these politicians have values that we will never completely know and he is simply positioning himself to make another run for president.

more press

Thursday, May 04, 2006

the times

txtual healing
address the issue of the crimes and how serious they are, then get into how boring it all is considering the kind of immediate media fix we can get with everything else. These scandals and crimes are much to complicated for the media to report on. This world described as black and white, or us against them, or whith us or against us. The problem we face are defined as apparent or not. As designers it's our job to start to translate these very large and complex systems, no matter how dry the material may seem at the beginning in it's rawest form and turn it into something meaningful for people to look at and understand easily. Not deleivered by some guy and gal with perfectly styled hair sitting behind a new desk. WHo are these people. It's up to us to 'as john lennon says... 'why don't we do it in the streets.' of course you can interpret that in other ways. The technology is available to be delivering our messages in public, or enable others to deliver their's. We don't need to depend on the galleries and search engines to find it first. bring it out to the people. for the people by the people.

wire tapping

txtual healing

break into 2 categories or titles... wire tapping for the speech and thought bubbles... and brainstorming for the silouhettes.

Tuesday, May 02, 2006

wooster collective

Getting some play on wooster collective's website!