Tuesday, February 28, 2006

something to figure out

txtual healingI need to play around with the content a little more. I want to really get an audience/participant to interact with the piece according to the content vs. just posting any old message just because they can see it big.

the projection as performance...

txtual healing
Large scale street projections:
email friends and family to come out to participate, it's a free show. Give dates time. etc.

I need to scout locations, I should talk to Evan. I need passersby. Different neighborhoods and ethnic backgrounds... what kind of symbols mean what in different parts of the city. what kind of meaning do certain photos have for people. If they get to put words int he mouths of the people in the images.

projectors, equipment (have most of it and it all works)...

I hope this is interesting. I'm convinced that people would stop and use it... the people in the gallery were into using it... they would watch and then type, and then watch. People could do it from remote locations too... have a image of what will be projected online... along with screening times...

I need content for the images. Commercial signs and billboards, political, religious, pop culture? no sure yet, need to look around and feel this out. start hunting images and scenarios to put bubbles into. Poeple would figure out how it worked... they did at the gallery. I was happy about that. I owe Scott Paterson a big thanks for taking some time out to chat about the piece that was going to go in fellissimo. Ever wonder if people are pushing you towards seomthing and they know what it is, but won't tell you? But you get the answer yourself. And that's what they ahd intended.

Monday, February 27, 2006

remote grafitti

txtual healing
ok, hate to be using the notion of grafitti here, (evan roth), but capturing that feeling of remote grafitti or posting or triggering without being present at the event or happening. things that come to mind or timers, vcr's and recording devices, but in terms of a trigger and not a timer bombs are the only things I can think of that act on a push button turn key, dial phone number, send txt message.

I guess there's radio controlled from afar, and the capabilites of telepresence through the internet and cell phones.

the process

txtual healing

I just keep running it through my head... how this or that would work, at what point does it work? completely? I've got to pick a route here.

couple questions:
1. Where does time and space fit into all this? Speed and Politics. This was something I was workinginto my first paper, but I wasn't sure if it was right, because nobody latched onto it, but I think people are beginning to see some of the connection between mobile computing made available for the people and the ability to control our movements, but without our knowing it. Of course virilio's speed and politics was written in regards to the speed of gaining control of the masses through symbol and the notion of freedom. Kind of curious to see the story of 'V' is for vendetta.

2. What's the performance? when does it begin? when does it end? never? it's the eternal text collector. gather items up, pop culture references and keep them stored and timelined.

3. Do I build another form of text messaging performance from the all automated 'simple text', mixing in a human element, human free form improv with the computer taking in text messages.

I made a little abstract music video today. watching the footage of lights at night from my cell phone camera and mixing it with some free form lose acoutsic guitar noodling made a nice little video. All shoton the cell phone, but conscious of capturing street and car lights on a ride home from williamsburg. Some of the other nice rides were uptown in a bus. walk to subway and on subway as well as the little vid of me following people ont he way to school.

It would be nice to have silhouettes of people walking projected on a screen, while one actor is walking along with them... is this part of the crowd or not part of the crowd? where does this guy exist? and what's he looking for? what's he want the crowd to do? put up messages based on questions he asks? get people to answer from both sides of topics and not just the side they believe is right. i find it a bit interesting to have people sit down and have to answer with an arguement used by the other side. hm.

I need to keep making. projecting and thinking about ongoing remote presence, or remote control, or remote behavior... the ability to drop bombs and the ability to be holed up in the white house protected from terrorists, questions, telling the truth, anyoen that might disagree with you.

I mentioned earlier today that maybe I do believe in god afterall, since bush's presidency we've nearly lost a whole city due to natural disaster. This christian can't tame nature. I'm wondering what god sends next, california falling into the sea from an earthquake. or mt st. helens again. Bush has got to get his shit together, cause I think god's angry with him. And I'm sure with Cheney too.

Saturday, February 25, 2006

Friday, February 24, 2006

Web curator

a device that takes people on tours of websites automatically, let the curator do the walking.


through text messaging... amplify your sin to the world... let people know what's going on.


When I started my grad degree I came to an MFA program because of the concern for where our society was headed, we were at war in Iraq and in a general war on terror, the current administration seemed to always be hiding somethign, or was always on the defensive. From their mannerisms to language, they seemed paranoid that the public was going to figure out the complete control they were beginning to take on the public. As long as our gov't kept pointing out our freedoms, they culd slowly take them away or create an environment for conservative thinking and filtering of liberal ideas, or even creative ones for that matter. If they punch you, you punch back, no questions asked. And with a 'take no shit' president at the helm or on the reigns we could only expect a shoot first ask questions later approach to policy and relations with friends and foes.

The kind of work I wanted to explore was wokring with technology and design to problem solve by commenting on the truth about the present world that we are situated in. we've scene unprecedented technological development in the past 10 years and have placed a lot of this networked technology into all of our hands. From personal computers to mobile cell phones...

Thursday, February 23, 2006


txtual healing

idea of posting anonymously and secretively.

Wednesday, February 22, 2006

wwjd opening

yesterdays opening at the Fellissimo gallery gave me the first chance to watch people behave with the text message to speech bubbles. Using the cut out 'Last Supper' that I received helpful direction on from Scott Paterson. It appeared to me that people understood how the system works... some pople posted banal comments and shouts out to other people in the gallery, others used it to play with the the last supper content of the piece. It appeared to be playful and fun for people. And it was exciting think about who was sending in whata nd form where. One woman on her cell phone called her friend in Brooklyn and told them to post and they did. The Friend in Brooklyn felt it was fun to send a text with the notion that it behaved like graffiti.

The solution worked out, it was th ebest way to go... once I was up workingin the space and they met me I think the story began to change and they were more open to a representation. It pays just to be nice. And I also was able to keep the image removal note on the piece, hence messing around with people a little bit and what it means for them to look ata piece and know what it is without the original image.

I need to write more about my thoughts on censorship especially in regards to future pieces and how I might be faced with these situations again. I thik charm and kindness works wonders.

Tuesday, February 21, 2006

That Was Yesterday's Menu, bitch...

The World is a Scary Place... no it's not. That's Yesterday's Menu. It's what we're living under, we need to celebrate each moment. We need to celebrate with eachother and make friends so our friends can make those friends. It's time to start to meet our neighbors. Having looked at networked communication for the past 10 years of my life I feel it so important to keep up our contacts and connections through the digital media we all use. But we need to get to know the people around us, because they are going to pull you through.

Monday, February 20, 2006


var messages = Array();

// load in XML
sms = new XML();
sms.ignoreWhite = true;
sms.onLoad = function(success) {
if (success) {
var arr;
txtone = "";
arr = sms.firstChild.firstChild.childNodes[1];
var flag = false;
var next = 0;
while (!flag) {
if (arr.childNodes[0].childNodes[5].nodeName != "false") {
flag = true;
txtone = arr.childNodes[0].childNodes[3].firstChild+"";

if (txtone.charAt(1) == ":") {
if (txtone.substring(0, 2) == "1:") {
txtone = removeHeader(txtone);
oneText.text = txtone;
} else if (txtone.substring(0, 2) == "2:") {
txtone = removeHeader(txtone);
twoText.text= txtone;
} else if (txtone.substring(0, 2) == "3:") {
txtone = removeHeader(txtone);
threeText.text = txtone;
} else if (txtone.substring(0, 2) == "4:") {
txtone = removeHeader(txtone);
fourText.text = txtone;
} else if (txtone.substring(0, 2) == "5:") {
txtone = removeHeader(txtone);
fiveText.text = txtone;
} else if (txtone.substring(0, 2) == "6:") {
txtone = removeHeader(txtone);
sixText.text = txtone;
} else if (txtone.substring(0, 2) == "7:") {
txtone = removeHeader(txtone);
sevenText.text = txtone;
} else if (txtone.substring(0, 2) == "8:") {
txtone = removeHeader(txtone);
eightText.text = txtone;
} else if (txtone.substring(0, 2) == "9:") {
txtone = removeHeader(txtone);
nineText.text = txtone;
} else {

onEnterFrame = function () {
function removeHeader(editString) {
//invoke new String obj called 'temp'
var temp = new String();
temp = editString.substring(2);
return cleanText(temp);

// cleans out quotes and apostrophes
function cleanText(pInString:String):String {

// if there is no entity in the string, then don't bother...
if (pInString == undefined || pInString == null || pInString.indexOf("&") == -1) {
return pInString;
} else {
// we replace all the entities with escaped versions of their strings
pInString = replace(pInString, """, "\u0022");
pInString = replace(pInString, "'", "\u0027");

// turns the escaped characters into items for Flash to display
return pInString;

//replaces one string with another in the supplied string
function replace (origStr:String, searchStr:String, replaceStr:String) {
var tempStr = "";
var startIndex = 0;
if (searchStr == "") {
return origStr;

if (origStr.indexOf(searchStr) == -1) {
return origStr;
} else {
var searchIndex = 0;
while ((searchIndex = origStr.indexOf(searchStr, startIndex)) != -1) {
tempStr += origStr.substring(startIndex, searchIndex);
tempStr += replaceStr;
startIndex = searchIndex + searchStr.length;

return tempStr + origStr.substring(startIndex);

Tuesday, February 14, 2006

Friday, February 10, 2006

last supper

You speak out through him… don’t let others tell you what he says.

Wednesday, February 08, 2006

my first...

Friday, February 03, 2006

The artist that created the artist is the artist.

a made up cell phone artist. He creates art through cell the phone... basically a collection of the pieces I have worked on... the 13 pages of short messages, the answers to all those questions, the cell phones as tools, the self portrait of eyes, mouth, ear, thumb taken on a cell camera. short video of softcore porn. A glimpse of the artist that the commentators look closely at a yellow circle, circles his head poking into the screen. the text at the bottom reads 'The artist?.' as if this piece of footage has been studied by say news media on a hunt. Take that little poke of head and put it in art form, on t-shirts, postcards, etc.

I'll post all the questions from the Spring semester.
The text message as instrument to make music.

The warping of cellphone rings, or the most popular one.

people can add themselves to the thank you list being projected onto a wall...

'I'd like to tremendously thank the following people for helping me:'

My amazing Mom, Dad, Britte...

the description:

mobile communication or communication mobile.

The cell phone is the communication mobile. like the automobile. moving us through cyberspace all the time.
The content on these screens gets in the way of the advertisers messages posted everywhere.

using the presupplied cell phone stuff like images, text templates, movies, etc... use that to supply visuals if needed... worden tressle ply wood with giant plaques for the short message collection. Then a table to view the cellphones over the years. a tv is showing the softporn that was made with the cellphone vid camera, self portrait, cellphone videos of cellphone ringing and 'mom' is calling. The cellphone getting stacked up with text messages and just looping. When have you ever watched messages pyle up on your cellphone. you let mom ring and ring forever, til she hangs up and doesn't leave a message. perhaps there a re projectors very close to the wall showing the shakespeare piece and the last supper very small.

Then the performance, the viewers can text on the spot with either an automated system that sends responses in the form of sms, mms, and voice. imagine the voice could be a man and a woman, actors that play the part of the artist, but maybe that's the art? They call and if they get the same sex they play as it's a good friend kind of conversation, and if it's an opposite sex connection then it's more flirtatious to whatever point. If it's a kid you play mommy and daddy.

If the user puts in a request for an sms then get a typical sms message... but with the artists signature on it... like a piece of art. same with photos...the signatrue will consist of some sort of text style type and symbol or name.

Maybe there's a lost interview, and it's recorded so you can't hear him speak at all, but instead their are text subtitles telling what he's saying.

The cell phones would have the art pieces in them... a frowning face for the death of my dad, a text message that says: brn eyes nose lips mouth blnd hair chin etc. with the title of 'self portrait.

perhaps some of the original art could be in the form of items left in the city for a user to go get or see. A user would send a message to get a piece from the artist and then they would might get a piece immediately or perhaps days later... (reference the artists in a box) piece.